Tuesday, September 22, 2009

Cloudy with a Chance, Cloudy with a Chance, Cloudy with a Chance of M-e-e-e-e-atballs!

Alright, so I finally got to go see Cloudy with a Chance of Meatballs, as is obvious by the title of this post. The title is actually the little song that I made up that I sang everytime I saw the preview and which was very successful in driving Jonathan crazy until he agreed to take me to see it. He actually didn't need much convincing because once he saw how excited I was to see it, he promised to take me. We went on Sunday night and I was going to make popcorn and put it in a giant purse and I bought M&Ms and it was going to be awesome...until the popcorn button on the microwave popped my corn for too long and it burned. (I love the popcorn button, but I am not a fan of it when it burns my deliciousness.) We were going to go to my apartment and get more popcorn (because I apparently suck at outfitting an apartment and Jonathan's lacks popcorn) but we turned the wrong way out of the parking lot so we just decided to forget the popcorn and just eat the M&Ms.

Anyway, the movie. IT WAS AWESOME!!!!!!!! First off, when you go to see a little kid movie at 9 on a Sunday night, there are not too many people in the theatre. In fact, we were the only people until some more people showed up (still no more than 20 of us in there). Secondly, you get to see awesome previews for other little kid movies that are yet to come! Where the Wild Things Are is going to be fantastic. There were some other previews, but I can't remember them now.

Really now, the movie. It was HILARIOUS! First favorite line? "Dad, I don't understand fishing metaphors!" (Ellen, his tone and voice just made me think of you a lot, you will love it, you have to see it, just do it.) That line was at the very beginning and it just got better from there. Seriously, a talking monkey that fights the giant size gummy bears off the flying car by ripping them apart as they reassemble themselves (picture a clear gummy body with a red gummy head) and then finally the monkey (Steve) plunges his hand into the green one to rip out his little gummy heart and yell "AHA!" and then gobble down the gummy heart? Totally hilarious and awesome. I almost cried from laughing so hard.

Steve (the monkey, duh) had some of the best things since he had a machine hooked onto him that spoke his thoughts. One of the best was when he was licking something and it's in the background over and over "Lick, lick, lick" as he was licking. Subtlety at its best.

Also, a Jell-o palace! It was amazing. And I want one. When you (Ellen, because I don't want to feel like I'm so important that anyone else is reading this and I don't want to feel like I am writing a letter in Spanish class where you have to write to Juan about your trip to Chile or whatever, and I don't want to be that creeper that is talking to everyone like I know them...in other words, it's just easier to pretend I write this all for Ellen so that when I reference a 'you' it is a certain you that I am talking to) see the movie, pay attention to the background of the Jell-o palace because there is one part where they are talking and there are just spoons stuck in everywhere all haphazardly. It's very entertaining.

Needless to say, because I'm sure it is clear by now, I loved the movie. Unfortunately for Jonathan, I was also incredibly hyper after the movie for some unexplicable reason (maybe we should blame the M&Ms). But at one point in the movie, Flint (the main character, duh) does a summersault. So of course I wanted to do one too and did so as soon as we got back into the apartment. It was so fun, you should do one because it feels like being a little kid, I kind of recommend spinning around in continuous circles then because, again, it makes you feel like a little kid.

All in all, the night was just nuts. Completely pistachios.

And now for the technology section!

I loved watching that movie, duh. But it was also really cool to see how they were able to create massive foods, Jell-o palaces, a talking monkey (Steve, duh), a flying car, fighting gummy bears that reassemble themselves, etc. Even though it was an animated movie, it's still pretty remarkable how lifelike everything looked. The Jell-o bounced back just like it would in real life, the pizza looked edible even if it was bigger than Shaq, and damn did it make you want some gummy bears! Looking back at movies, even like Toy Story, which isn't that old and that was/is (depending on who you are) considered to be amazingly well done, the Froot Loops (you know when Woody falls into the bowl to cool off his head after that mean kid burns him using the sun and the magnifying glass?) look fake. It's just pretty incredible how far everything has come so that they are now able to take a computer and create this masterpiece that has the ability to look real and lifelike even though it was all generated and it clearly fake at the same time. It's just nuts. Completely pistachios.

Sidenote/add-on. I figured out how to add hyperlinks to things! I'm very proud of myself. I also changed the background for my fishies so they are in real water! It's gorgeous isn't it? Also just nuts. Completely pistachios. (Tee hee.)

1 comment:

  1. It sounds so cute! I will go see it if it comes out here. Everything takes longer to get here, you know. Just like Spotify is everywhere in Sweden, but nowhere in the USA. You could talk about that for technology. I am off to grocery shop and send some postcards. Sorry I didn't get you one yet. Mostly because I don't have your address. We will fix this soon.
