Wednesday, October 21, 2009

It's Been A While, Let's See Where This Goes

Alright, it's been a long time. And because I am not really feeling up to writing a lot tonight, I'll just cut straight to the point.

The study guide, sadly, for this class, so hopefully I won't get a lower grade because of this post, was a JOKE. We had to create a wiki. In itself, not completely ridiculous, but not really my thing. I understand the point behind having the students create the guide so that we sift through the material and realize what is the most important. However, when it comes to actually studying, that sucked. There was no way to view it as a comprehensive list, you couldn't print it off, you just had to click through the information. And since everything came straight from the notes, ther was no point in trying to remember half the information on the site.

Wikis seem like a decent idea. If you are trying to collaborate an idea with multiple people, fine, but with 100+, it seems a bit crazy. If you don't have to ever see all the information that has been gathered at once, again, could be a good idea. I don't know how many people actually used the wiki to study, but I know that I did not. Hopefully the teacher can figure out some other way to use wikis and teach the class about them, because creating a study guide with them was a terrible idea.

That's all, I don't know if this will fill requirements, but the main point is that technology, in this case, did not make studying easier, just more complicated, confusing, and nearly impossible. It's like a theme, the more I think about technology the more I find that it just complicates my life and makes me frustrated. It's just nuts. Completely pistachios.


  1. I agree! The only reason I looked at that study guide was to add content for a grade.

    The idea behind it was good, to have the class pull together in a collective effort, but when it comes to studying, it was not helpful at all.

    We all have way too many different styles of studying and writing out information to study it so it's useful to us. That guide was way too all over the place. I stuck to my own methods.

  2. This is great feedback! Seriously, thanks guys.
