So, it's Tuesday morning and I leave for Texas in just a few hours!!!!!!!!!!! I woke up for my 7:30 class this morning, only to remember, as I looked in the door, that it was cancelled. So I was up for no good reason, but since I was on campus, I came to the lab to get things done.
This weekend in Elkhart was actually not too bad, surprisingly. My sister's play was fantastic. They were doing "Joseph and the Amazing Technicolor Dreamcoat" and it was so good. I had never seen the show before, so that was cool, and I haven't seen my sister dance or perform in a LONG time. She has gotten so old, it's just totally weird to see. My dad was operating the curtain and my brother was up in the booth doing lights. Which is also totally weird because they haven't ever been involved in that kind of stuff before that I can remember but they were all into this show. And we went out both Friday and Saturday night after the shows, which was also my dad didn't complain about spending the money...even weirder. My brother had gotten his braces off, so he looked way different and he has the scar on his head from his stitches, and he's crazy tall. My sister has gotten way tall too (I'm now the shortest in the family) and she has gotten boobs which is not even allowed as far as I'm concerned. My dad's pinkie is recovering from his surgery that he had to have on it a while back that I don't think I have discussed here, but he had some pins put in it after he smashed the bones to bits...The story here is that the drain in the basement flooded and he wanted to fix it himself instead of spending money on someone to do it. So he rented the machine, but his pinkie got caught in some chain or something and it smashed it to pieces. And he finished doing the job, might not have even gone to the hospital, but his sister said he should, so he did, and he walked down there instead of my mom taking him...granted it is only a couple blocks down the street, but seriously, ridiculous. Anyway, he ended up having surgery on it. So he has this elastic thing that he keeps on it to help the swelling and stuff. And then he has wicked scars going on. And he has this stuff like Play-Doh that is different strengths that he has to use to work with it. He went to therapy for a few weeks, but he has to keep working it himself now. Friday he had gone to the doctor and gotten this splint that he has to wear at night. He said Saturday morning that he had only made it about 45 minutes that night before he had to take it off because it basically takes his pinkie, which is hooked now, and straightens it. Which hurts like hell. Usually, the pinkie is mostly straight, but after he works it, it's like a pirate hook.
Anyway, I have to finish this up and get other things, technology...
Crazy that they can put pins in someone's pinkie to straighten it! Also! About the play! So the venue was pretty small (a high school auditorium) so there wasn't an orchestra pit. So up in the box where the lights were done, they had a video camera set up that was connected to a TV that was in a room off to the side of the auditorium. That's where the orchestra was! They were seeing the play live on TV, but none of us saw the musicians. My grandma and I actually thought the music was a recording, we didn't even know there was an orchestra! It was pretty damn cool though when we had it explained to us. It was just nuts. Completely pistachios.
Tuesday, November 24, 2009
Thursday, November 19, 2009
And Now for a Little Lull...and a Trip to Elkhart
Alright, so last week was crazy. This week isn't quite so hectic, but I have to get a lot done regardless because I am going to Elkhart this weekend and then I'm going to be back for Sunday night and Monday and then I leave for Texas on yeah. This is going to be a quick post because I have to get things ready!
I guess I want to talk about this ridiculous study that I did today for Com Extra Credit. I was supposed to be in a chatroom with a few other people and we had to do problem solving type things. Instead, I was in there with one other guy that did NOTHING. He only responded by agreeing to me or questioning me, even when I was right. It was totally ridiculous. Though I do appreciate the fact that I can get extra credit for doing research studies, I think they are silly sometimes. The TA that was running this particular study was the TA that I had for recitation as soon as the study was over. I went into class and actually asked her if it was a computer or something or if it was to test if I would still work on the thing and try to communicate with someone that wasn't responding. Unfortunately, she said that the guy probably just sucked that much as a partner...which is kind of sad. Regardless, I got my points, so I guess it's not too bad. I think it's silly though that the COMMUNICATION research is often done in silence, on computers, without actually talking to someone. That is just nuts. Completely pistachios.
I guess I want to talk about this ridiculous study that I did today for Com Extra Credit. I was supposed to be in a chatroom with a few other people and we had to do problem solving type things. Instead, I was in there with one other guy that did NOTHING. He only responded by agreeing to me or questioning me, even when I was right. It was totally ridiculous. Though I do appreciate the fact that I can get extra credit for doing research studies, I think they are silly sometimes. The TA that was running this particular study was the TA that I had for recitation as soon as the study was over. I went into class and actually asked her if it was a computer or something or if it was to test if I would still work on the thing and try to communicate with someone that wasn't responding. Unfortunately, she said that the guy probably just sucked that much as a partner...which is kind of sad. Regardless, I got my points, so I guess it's not too bad. I think it's silly though that the COMMUNICATION research is often done in silence, on computers, without actually talking to someone. That is just nuts. Completely pistachios.
Wednesday, November 11, 2009
Busy Times!
This week is CRAZY! I have a lot of my classes cancelled, but I also have a ton of projects, papers, exams and things going on. Our pitch for Com 435 was this morning and it went pretty well. Kate ran out of time at the end, but considering we found out that we couldn't use notes literally moments before we presented, I think it went well.
I have discussion questions that I have to do for my Anth 230 class on Blackboard. I think it's kind of cool but impersonal that we have groups that we work with and we are supposed to have this discussion on a website with people we don't actually know and have never met. It's a little bit nice because you can be totally honest about your opinion and you don't have to worry about least not yet, we work with that same group later on this semester, we'll see how that goes later I suppose.
I have to do an online quiz too for my Mgmt 200 class and I HATE online quizzes. Especially when they involve math. You have to copy everything down to work it out first off, then you have to work it out. And there is no chance for partial credit or anything. You're just wrong. And since it's multiple choice, half the time I think that I actually, finally, have the concept down and I'm finally getting somewhere. And then that stupid automatic grader sends you your score and you find out that you are, in fact, screwed by technology again. And instead of understanding the material and what you did wrong, you are told by the computer that you are an idiot and now you can feel bad the rest of the night because technology enabled you to know that you just failed that quiz, congrats.
This week is going to be just nuts. Completely pistachios.
I have discussion questions that I have to do for my Anth 230 class on Blackboard. I think it's kind of cool but impersonal that we have groups that we work with and we are supposed to have this discussion on a website with people we don't actually know and have never met. It's a little bit nice because you can be totally honest about your opinion and you don't have to worry about least not yet, we work with that same group later on this semester, we'll see how that goes later I suppose.
I have to do an online quiz too for my Mgmt 200 class and I HATE online quizzes. Especially when they involve math. You have to copy everything down to work it out first off, then you have to work it out. And there is no chance for partial credit or anything. You're just wrong. And since it's multiple choice, half the time I think that I actually, finally, have the concept down and I'm finally getting somewhere. And then that stupid automatic grader sends you your score and you find out that you are, in fact, screwed by technology again. And instead of understanding the material and what you did wrong, you are told by the computer that you are an idiot and now you can feel bad the rest of the night because technology enabled you to know that you just failed that quiz, congrats.
This week is going to be just nuts. Completely pistachios.
Wednesday, November 4, 2009
Hershey's Bars Rock
And now for the Halloween update!
Didn't they turn out well? I cut his neck hole a little bit too big, but it worked out well enough in the end. The glud didn't hold the sides, so they were just open which actually worked out better because it allowed for some ventilation and movement.
The party that we went to sucked though, and I'm going to (go figure) blame technology!!! Everything was going well until they turned on the fog machine. Fog machines are great inventions in and of themselves because they make foggy, cool atmospheres. However, it seems that when fog (which is basically smoke) combines with a smoke detector, chaos insues. And because of the combination of fog machine and smoke detector, twenty minutes into the party, the fire alarms started going off. Now, if they could have just turned off the alarm because there was clearly not a fire, things would have been fine. But, being a fraternity, that was not an option. Instead we had to evacuate the house (and it was really cold outside...I sat in the truck and wrote on the fogged up windows, much to Jonathan's chagrin), the fire department had to come out, search the entire house, and then turn off the alarm before we were allowed to go back inside. This was all ridiculous on its own. But then they sent 2 police cars, a ladder truck, a regular truck, and an abulance. And it had to be explained that it was just a silly mistake with a fog machine gone awry. It was just nuts. Completely pistachios.

The party that we went to sucked though, and I'm going to (go figure) blame technology!!! Everything was going well until they turned on the fog machine. Fog machines are great inventions in and of themselves because they make foggy, cool atmospheres. However, it seems that when fog (which is basically smoke) combines with a smoke detector, chaos insues. And because of the combination of fog machine and smoke detector, twenty minutes into the party, the fire alarms started going off. Now, if they could have just turned off the alarm because there was clearly not a fire, things would have been fine. But, being a fraternity, that was not an option. Instead we had to evacuate the house (and it was really cold outside...I sat in the truck and wrote on the fogged up windows, much to Jonathan's chagrin), the fire department had to come out, search the entire house, and then turn off the alarm before we were allowed to go back inside. This was all ridiculous on its own. But then they sent 2 police cars, a ladder truck, a regular truck, and an abulance. And it had to be explained that it was just a silly mistake with a fog machine gone awry. It was just nuts. Completely pistachios.
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